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Author :
Jae Mun Lee 4 Articles
107 Focal Hepatic Fibrosis Characterized by Ultrasonography, Not Seen on CT and MRI: A Case Report.
In Yong Whang, Bong Joo Kang, Seung Eun Jung, Jae Mun Lee, Ahwon Lee, Seong Tai Hahn
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 2003;22(3):107-110.   Published online September 1, 2003
311 Comparison of Power Doppler Ultrasonographic Findings of Mesenteric Lymphadenopathy between Children with and without Acute Abdominal Pain.
Seal Hwangbo, Gye Yeon Lim, Hye Suk Jang, Byoung Gil Choi, Jae Mun Lee
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 2002;21(4):311-316.   Published online December 1, 2002
191 The Usefulness of US with Contrast Agent on Breast Tumors.
Hye An Jung, Jung Im Jung, Hak Hee Kim, Sang Bum Son, Jae Young Byun, Jae Mun Lee, Sung Tae Hahn, Choon Yul Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 2000;19(3):191-196.   Published online January 1, 2001
43 Alternative diagnosis by ultrasound in patients with suspected acute appendicitis.
Kyung Ah Chun, Jae Mun Lee, Choon Yul Kim, Yong Whee Bahk
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1992;11(1):43-46.   Published online January 1, 2001
Volume44 No. 1
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