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Author :
Jung Hyun Yoon 6 Articles
275 Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Breast: A Diagnosis Using an Ultrasound-Guided Core-Needle Biopsy Case Report.
In Wha Kim, Jung Hyun Yoon, Tae Heon Kim, Kyung Po Lee, Hae Kyoung Jung, Kyung Hee Ko, Jong Tae Lee
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2012;31(4):275-278.   Published online December 31, 2012
55 US Findings of Secondary Breast Lymphoma Detected by PET/CT.
Joon Ho Kwon, Eun Kyung Kim, Myung Ju Koh, Jin Young Kwak, Jung Hyun Yoon, Min Jung Kim, Hee Jung Moon
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2012;31(1):55-58.   Published online March 26, 2012
217 Metastatic Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma to the Breast: A Case Report.
Joon Ho Kwon, Eun Kyung Kim, Jin Young Kwak, Jung Hyun Yoon, Min Jung Kim, Hee Jung Moon
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2011;30(3):217-221.   Published online September 1, 2011
93 Benign Lesions with Posterior Acoustic Shadowing on Ultrasound: The Pathologic Correlation.
Ju Hee Moon, Jai Kyung You, Jung Hyun Yoon, Min Jung Kim, Jin Young Kwak, Eun Kyung Kim
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2009;28(2):93-102.   Published online June 1, 2009
11 Clinical Features and Ultrasonographic Findings of Lactating Adenoma.
Jung Hyun Yoon, Eun Kyung Kim, Min Jung Kim, Jin Young Kwak
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2009;28(1):11-16.   Published online March 1, 2009
179 The Influence of Training on Breast Ultrasound Expertise.
Song Ee Baek, Min Jung Kim, Eun Kyung Kim, Eun Hee Choi, Hye Ryoung Koo, Ji Youn Kim, Honsoul Kim, Sung Ho Park, Jung Hyun Yoon, Mi Jung Lee, Seung Woo Lee, Jin Young Kwak
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2008;27(4):179-187.   Published online December 1, 2008
Volume44 No. 1
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