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Pyo Nyun Kim 5 Articles
171 Test for the Accreditation of Ultrasound Practices using Abdominal Phantom: Preliminary Study Intended for Radiology Residents.
Hyun Cheol Kim, Pyo Nyun Kim, Jong Seok Lee, Joon Il Choi, Min Woo Lee
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2013;32(3):171-181.   Published online September 30, 2013
145 Trace of Electrodes on Follow-up Liver Ultrasonography After Percutaneous Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency Ablation: "Tram-Track Sign".
Yun Jin Jang, Hyung Jin Won, Yong Moon Shin, Pyo Nyun Kim, So Yeon Kim, Hye Jung Kim
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2012;31(3):145-150.   Published online September 26, 2012
31 Quality Assessment of Hepatic Ultrasound Images Examined After a Medical Check-up.
Pyo Nyun Kim, Kyung Won Kim, Jae Ho Byun
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2009;28(1):31-37.   Published online March 1, 2009
177 Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatic Cysts: Case Report.
Ye Ri Lee, Pyo Nyun Kim
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2005;24(4):177-184.   Published online December 1, 2005
9 Bile Duct Hamartomas: US, CT and MR Findings in Eight Patients, Focusing on the US Findings.
Jae Hong Ahn, Heon Han, Sam Soo Kim, Kyung Mi Jang, Min Jeong Kim, Pyo Nyun Kim, Hyun Kwon Ha, Moon Gyu Lee
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2005;24(1):9-18.   Published online March 1, 2005
Volume44 No. 1
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