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Author :
Kyung Sub Shinn 5 Articles
161 Value of Resistive lndex of the lntrascrotal Artery in ScrotaI Inflammatory Disease
Won Hee Jee, Yeo Dong Yoon, Sung Su Hwang, Byung Gil Choi, Kyung Myung Son, sung Yong Lee, Ki Tae Kim, Kyung Sub Shinn
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1995;14(2):161-168.
139 Sonographic DIagnosis of Heutropenic Enterocolitis : Report of 3 Cases
Jae Mun Lee, Choon Yul Kim, Kyung Sub Shinn
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1995;14(2):139-142.
119 UItrasonographic Findings of Hepatic Hemangioma : Analysis of Echo-Patterns According to Tumor Size
Kang Hoon Lee, Hae Giu Lee, Byung Gil Choi, Jung Im Jung, Sung Yong Lee, Jung Ik Yim, Kyung Sub Shinn
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1995;14(2):119-126.
7 Ultrasonographic Findings of Gallbladder Carcinoma
Sei Jong Kim, Myung Hee Lee, Soo Kyo Chung, Jae Mun Lee, Kyung Sub shinn, and Young Bahk
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1987;6(1):7-11.
41 Abdominal Octoson Scan
Kyung Sub Shinn, Se Young Jung, Myung Hee Lee, Jae Mun Lee, Jong Woo Kim, and Yong Bahk
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1987;6(1):41-51.
Volume43 No. 5
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