Incidence of callstone in liver cirrhosis patients: comparision with genera population
Chul Jjoong Kim, Cheol Min Park, Seung Chul Park, Kyoo Byung Chung, Won Hyuck Suh
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Diffuse Fatty Infiltration of the Liver; US Scoring System Correlated with CT and LFT
Jin Seong Lee
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Small hepatocellular carcinoma: sonographic and pathologic correlation
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Fatty liver: prospective comparative study with sonography and CT
Sung Jin Kim
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Percutaneous aspiration and drainage of hepatic lesions under ultrasound guidance
Yang Min Kim
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duplex sonographic findings in hepatocelluar carcinoma
Won Jae Lee
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Abdominal ultrasonograms in health screen
Jeong Mi Park
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Sonographic detection of portal venous gas
Wang Yul Lee
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Ultrasonographic diagnosis of fatty liver and relations with body index,serum lipid,and serum triglyceride
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sonographic appearance of hepatic metastasis from adenocarcinoma of the GI tract:emphasis on echogenicity andperipheral halo
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복강내에 형성된 담즙낭종의 초음파소견
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간문맥 해면상변형의 초음파소견
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만성간염 초음파검사의 임상적 의의
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간세포암과 간전이암의 초음파적 감별에 관한 연구
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Ultrasonographic findings of clonorchiasis
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Ultrasonographic findings of atypical fatty liver
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Ultrasonographic diagnosis of liver cavernous hemangioma
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간암의 초음파진단의 역할과 한계
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Ultrasonographic evaluation of liver abscess
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간세포암에 있어서 종양에코와 종양혈관과의 비교고찰
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Ultrasonographic findings of liver primary neoplasms in children
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Ultrasonographic diagnosis of liver cavernous hemangioma
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간흡충증의 초음파소견
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Ultrasonographic findings of hepatocellular carcinoma
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Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of the liver with real time ultrasound
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Ultrasonographic findings of metastatic liver cancer
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Ultrasonographic findings of hepatocellular carcinoma
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Sequential changes of ultrasonographic findings in liver abscess
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correlation of ultrasonographic finding of carvernous hemangioma of liverangiography
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Ultrasonic diagnosis of hepatic focal lesions; comparison with radioisotope scintigraphy
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