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Original Articles
Associations between Bethesda categories and tumor characteristics of conventional papillary thyroid carcinoma
Vivian Youngjean Park, Eun-Kyung Kim, Jin Young Kwak, Jung Hyun Yoon, Hee Jung Moon
Ultrasonography. 2018;37(4):323-329.   Published online November 22, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.17053
Role of core needle biopsy as a first-line diagnostic tool for thyroid nodules: a retrospective cohort study
Min Ji Hong, Dong Gyu Na, Soo Jin Kim, Dae Sik Kim
Ultrasonography. 2018;37(3):244-253.   Published online September 15, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.17041
Reliability of core needle biopsy as a second-line procedure in thyroid nodules with an indeterminate fine-needle aspiration report: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Pierpaolo Trimboli, Luca Giovanella
Ultrasonography. 2018;37(2):121-128.   Published online January 2, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.17066
Original Articles
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the thyroid gland: ultrasonographic features and the diagnostic role of core needle biopsy
Ok Kyu Song, Ja Seung Koo, Jin Young Kwak, Hee Jung Moon, Jung Hyun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Kim
Ultrasonography. 2017;36(3):252-259.   Published online November 9, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.16037
Malignant-looking thyroid nodules with size reduction: core needle biopsy results
Ha Young Lee, Jung Hwan Baek, Eun Ju Ha, Jee Won Park, Jeong Hyun Lee, Dong Eun Song, Young Kee Shong
Ultrasonography. 2016;35(4):327-334.   Published online March 31, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.15082
Thyroid nodules with nondiagnostic results on repeat fine-needle aspiration biopsy: which nodules should be considered for repeat biopsy or surgery rather than follow-up?
Na Lae Eun, Mi Ri Yoo, Hye Mi Gweon, Ah Young Park, Jeong-Ah Kim, Ji Hyun Youk, Hee Jung Moon, Hang-Seok Chang, Eun Ju Son
Ultrasonography. 2016;35(3):234-243.   Published online March 6, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.15079
Thyroid nodules with isolated macrocalcification: malignancy risk and diagnostic efficacy of fine-needle aspiration and core needle biopsy
Dong Gyu Na, Dae Sik Kim, Soo Jin Kim, Jae Wook Ryoo, So Lyung Jung
Ultrasonography. 2016;35(3):212-219.   Published online December 27, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.15074
Hyalinizing trabecular tumor of the thyroid: diagnosis of a rare tumor using ultrasonography, cytology, and intraoperative frozen sections
Hyunsik Jang, Cheol Keun Park, Eun Ju Son, Eun-Kyung Kim, Jin Young Kwak, Hee Jung Moon, Jung Hyun Yoon
Ultrasonography. 2016;35(2):131-139.   Published online November 8, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.15054
The follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma: characteristics of preoperative ultrasonography and cytology
Jung Hyun Yoon, Hyeong Ju Kwon, Eun-Kyung Kim, Hee Jung Moon, Jin Young Kwak
Ultrasonography. 2016;35(1):47-54.   Published online July 24, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.15037
Intralesional saline injection for effective ultrasound-guided aspiration of benign viscous cystic thyroid nodules
Eun Sook Ko, Jin Yong Sung, Jung Hee Shin
Ultrasonography. 2014;33(2):122-127.   Published online January 28, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.13027
Ultrasonography-guided Fine-needle Aspiration for Solid Thyroid Nodules Less than 5 mm in the Largest Diameter: Comparison in Diagnostic Adequacy and Accuracy According to Nodule Size.
Jang Hee Lee, Dong Wook Kim, Seung Hun Baek
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2012;31(1):17-21.   Published online March 26, 2012
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