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Original Articles
Evaluation of advective solute infiltration into porous media by pulsed focused ultrasound-induced acoustic streaming effects
Jared Van Reet, Kate Tunnell, Kara Anderson, Hyun-Chul Kim, Evgenii Kim, Kavin Kowsari, Seung-Schik Yoo
Ultrasonography. 2024;43(1):35-46.   Published online September 9, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.23037
Evaluation of ultrasound point shear wave elastography reliability in an elasticity phantom
Salahaden R. Sultan, Amer Alghamdi, Rawan Abdeen, Fahad Almutairi
Ultrasonography. 2022;41(2):291-297.   Published online July 31, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.21114
Reproducibility of shear wave elastography among operators, machines, and probes in an elasticity phantom
Abdulaziz Ibrahim Alrashed, Abdulrahman M. Alfuraih
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(1):158-166.   Published online May 9, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20011
Impact of respiratory motion on liver stiffness measurements according to different shear wave elastography techniques and region of interest methods: a phantom study
Jee Hyeon Lee, Sang Min Lee, Jeong Hee Yoon, Min-Jeong Kim, Hong Il Ha, Sung-Joon Park, Eun Soo Kim, Kwanseop Lee, Jeong Min Lee
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(1):103-114.   Published online April 12, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.19079
Comparison of the diagnostic yield of various systematic randomized prostate biopsy protocols using prostate phantoms made of devil's tongue jelly
Sung Il Hwang, Hak Jong Lee
Ultrasonography. 2019;38(1):44-49.   Published online April 6, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.18003
Evaluation of factors influencing arterial Doppler waveforms in an in vitro flow phantom
Chang Kyu Sung, Kyoung Ho Lee, Seung Hyup Kim
Ultrasonography. 2017;36(1):39-52.   Published online July 7, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.15055
Preclinical evaluation of acoustic radiation force impulse measurements in regions of heterogeneous elasticity
Katharina Hollerieth, Bernhard Gaßmann, Stefan Wagenpfeil, Philipp Moog, Minh-Truc Vo-Cong, Uwe Heemann, Konrad Friedrich Stock
Ultrasonography. 2016;35(4):345-352.   Published online July 25, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.16024
Intra- and interobserver reliability of gray scale/dynamic range evaluation of ultrasonography using a standardized phantom
Song Lee, Joon-Il Choi, Michael Yong Park, Dong Myung Yeo, Jae Young Byun, Seung Eun Jung, Sung Eun Rha, Soon Nam Oh, Young Joon Lee
Ultrasonography. 2014;33(2):91-97.   Published online February 26, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.13021
Test for the Accreditation of Ultrasound Practices using Abdominal Phantom: Preliminary Study Intended for Radiology Residents.
Hyun Cheol Kim, Pyo Nyun Kim, Jong Seok Lee, Joon Il Choi, Min Woo Lee
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2013;32(3):171-181.   Published online September 30, 2013
Sonographic Evaluation of Posterior Acoustic Enhancement & Edge Shadowing of Artificial Mass in LiverTissue-Equivalent Material : Experimental Study
Sang Hoo Cha, Cheol Min Park, Kyoo Byung Chung, Won Hyuck Suh
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):155-162.
Experimental study on blood flow patterns through the phantoms of the intracranial arterial aneurysms usingcolor Doppler imaging
Tae Sub Chung, Eun Kee Jeong, Yoon Chul Rhim, Sung Bin Kim, Dong Hoon Lee, Dae In Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1994;13(2):217-223.
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