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Review Article
The role of Doppler ultrasonography in the detection and management of nutcracker syndrome
Seung Hyup Kim
Ultrasonography. 2025;44(1):31-41.   Published online December 2, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.24168
Original Articles
Value of sagittal color Doppler ultrasonography as a supplementary tool in the differential diagnosis of fetal cleft lip and palate
Myoung Seok Lee, Jeong Yeon Cho, Sang Youn Kim, Seung Hyup Kim, Joong Shin Park, Jong Kwan Jun
Ultrasonography. 2017;36(1):53-59.   Published online August 6, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.16025
Evaluation of factors influencing arterial Doppler waveforms in an in vitro flow phantom
Chang Kyu Sung, Kyoung Ho Lee, Seung Hyup Kim
Ultrasonography. 2017;36(1):39-52.   Published online July 7, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.15055
Factors influencing the renal arterial Doppler waveform: a simulation study using an electrical circuit model (secondary publication)
Chang Kyu Sung, Bong Soo Han, Seung Hyup Kim
Ultrasonography. 2016;35(1):69-77.   Published online September 21, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.15056
The diagnostic ability of an additional midline peripheral zone biopsy in transrectal ultrasonography-guided 12-core prostate biopsy to detect midline prostate cancer
Inpyeong Hwang, Sang Youn Kim, Jeong Yeon Cho, Myoung Seok Lee, Seung Hyup Kim
Ultrasonography. 2016;35(1):61-68.   Published online August 18, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.15039
Usefulness of resistive index on spectral Doppler ultrasonography in the detection of renal cell carcinoma in patients with end-stage renal disease
Sang Youn Kim, Sungmin Woo, Sung Il Hwang, Min Hoan Moon, Chang Kyu Sung, Hak Jong Lee, Jeong Yeon Cho, Seung Hyup Kim
Ultrasonography. 2014;33(2):136-142.   Published online February 10, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.14001
Prenatal Sonographic Diagnosis of Non-classical Cystic Lymphangioma
Seung Hyup Kim, Sung Gak Hong
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(1):97-99.
Diabetic Nephropathy : Evaluation with Doppler Ultrasonography
Jung Suk Sim, Seung Hyup Kim, Heung Sik Kang, Jae Hyung Park, Man Chung Han
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(1):71-76.
Interobserver Variation of the RenaI Length Measurement on Ultrasonography
Yoong Ki Jeong, Hye Weon Chung, Tae Sung Kim, Jae Wook Ryoo, Tae Kyoung Kim, Seung Hyup Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1995;14(2):143-147.
Stress Urinary lncontinence : Comparative Study of Perineal Sonography in Erect Position and ChainCystourethrograpy
Gi Seok Han, Seung Hyup Kim, Kyung Mo Yeon, Man Chung Han, Jae Seung Paick
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1995;14(1):59-64.
Diagnostic Value of TransrectaI US in Prostate Cancer and Usefulness of TransperineaI Prostate Biopsy UsingAutomated Biopsy Gun
Dae Seob Choi, Seung Hyup Kim, Hak Jong Lee, Kyung Mo Yeon, Sang Eun Lee, Chongwook Lee, Si Whang Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1995;14(1):43-48.
Antero-posterior diameter of left renal vein in normal and nutcracker syndrome
Seung Hyup Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1990;9(2):127-130.
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