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Table of Contents | April, 2021  Vol. 40  No.2 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
Special Reviews of Artificial Intelligence (part 2)
177 Current status of deep learning applications in abdominal ultrasonography
Kyoung Doo Song
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):177-182.   Published online September 2, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20085
183 Artificial intelligence in breast ultrasonography
Jaeil Kim, Hye Jung Kim, Chanho Kim, Won Hwa Kim
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):183-190.   Published online November 12, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20117
Review Articles
191 Focused ultrasound and prostate cancer
Sung Kyu Hong, Hakmin Lee
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):191-196.   Published online September 1, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20100
197 Ultrasonography and dual-energy computed tomography: impact for the detection of gouty deposits
Christoph Schwabl, Mihra Taljanovic, Gerlig Widmann, James Teh, Andrea S. Klauser
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):197-206.   Published online October 2, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20063
207 Benefits of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for interventional procedures
Constantin Arndt Marschner, Johannes Rübenthaler, Matthias Frank Froelich, Vincent Schwarze, Dirk-André Clevert
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):207-216.   Published online November 19, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20083
Original Articles
217 Ultrasound-guided transient elastography and two-dimensional shear wave elastography for assessment of liver fibrosis: emphasis on technical success and reliable measurements
Jihyuk Lee, Hyo-Jin Kang, Jeong Hee Yoon, Jeong Min Lee
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):217-227.   Published online May 16, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20036
228 Assessing the diagnostic performance of thyroid biopsy with recommendations for appropriate interpretation
Su Min Ha, Jung Hwan Baek, Dong Gyu Na, Chan-Kwon Jung, Chong Hyun Suh, Young Kee Shong, Tae Yon Sung, Dong Eun Song, Jeong Hyun Lee
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):228-236.   Published online May 19, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.19099
237 Manual versus automated image fusion of real-time ultrasonography and MR/CT images for radiofrequency ablation of hepatic tumors: results of a randomized prospective trial (NCT02705118)
Moon Hyung Choi, Joon-Il Choi, Young Joon Lee
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):237-247.   Published online May 21, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20052
248 Differential diagnosis of umbilical polyps and granulomas in children: sonographic and pathologic correlations
Dong Hyeon Kim, Hee Jung Lee, Jin Young Kim, Hye Ra Jung
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):248-255.   Published online May 26, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20020
256 Clinical practice guidelines for radiofrequency ablation of benign thyroid nodules: a systematic review
Minkyoung Lee, Jung Hwan Baek, Chong Hyun Suh, Sae Rom Chung, Young Jun Choi, Jeong Hyun Lee, Eun Ju Ha, Dong Gyu Na
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):256-264.   Published online June 8, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20015
265 What shear wave elastography parameter best differentiates breast cancer and predicts its histologic aggressiveness?
Hyunjin Kim, Jeongmin Lee, Bong Joo Kang, Sung Hun Kim
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):265-273.   Published online June 15, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20007
274 The semi-erect position for better visualization of subphrenic hepatocellular carcinoma during ultrasonography examinations
Seong Eun Ko, Min Woo Lee, Hyo Keun Lim, Ji Hye Min, Dong Ik Cha, Tae Wook Kang, Kyoung Doo Song, Min Ju Kim, Hyunchul Rhim
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):274-280.   Published online June 22, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20059
281 Hepatic and splenic sonographic and sonoelastographic findings in pulmonary arterial hypertension
İlhan Hekimsoy, Burçin Kibar Öztürk, Hatice Soner Kemal, Meral Kayıkçıoğlu, Ömer Faruk Dadaş, Gülgün Kavukçu, Mehmet Nurullah Orman, Sanem Nalbantgil, Sadık Tamsel, Hakan Kültürsay, Süha Süreyya Özbek
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):281-288.   Published online July 7, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20076
289 A new method for assessing the performance of signal processing filters in suppressing the side lobe level
Mok Kun Jeong, Sung Jae Kwon
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):289-300.   Published online July 15, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20032
301 Key imaging features for differentiating cystic biliary atresia from choledochal cyst: prenatal ultrasonography and postnatal ultrasonography and MRI
Hyun Joo Shin, Haesung Yoon, Seok Joo Han, Kyong Ihn, Hong Koh, Ja-Young Kwon, Mi-Jung Lee
Ultrasonography. 2021;40(2):301-311.   Published online July 31, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14366/usg.20061
Volume44 No. 1
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