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Sonographic Evaluation of Posterior Acoustic Enhancement & Edge Shadowing of Artificial Mass in LiverTissue-Equivalent Material : Experimental Study
Sang Hoo Cha, Cheol Min Park, Kyoo Byung Chung, Won Hyuck Suh
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):155-162.
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Splenoportal Index on Color Doppler Ultrasound : Value as an Index for Predicting the Risk of Variceal Bleedingin Patients with Postnecrotic Liver Cirrhosis
In Kyu Yu, Byung Ihn Choi, Jae Hyung Park, Joon Koo Han, Kyung Mo Yeon, Chu Wan Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):163-170.
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Ultrasound Differentiation of Subcapsular Hemangioma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma : Significance of FocalBulging of Hepatic Contour
Hong In Kim, Hyo Jun Kang, Baek Hyun Kim, Cheol Min Park, In Ho Cha, Kyoo Byung Chung
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):171-174.
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US Findings of Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma : Analysis of 274 cases
Hye Weon Jung, Hak Jong Lee, Tae Kyung Kim, Joon Koo Han, Byung Ihn Choi
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):175-179.
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The Hemodynamics of the Portal Venous System in Malignant Biliary Obstruction : Doppler US Evaluation
Hyun Chul Rhim, Youn Soo , Byung Hee Koh, On Koo Cho, Heung Suk Seo, Chang Kok Hahm, Ho Soon Choi
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):181-186.
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Sonographic Measurement of Normal Splenic Length in Korean Adults
Sang Bum Shin, Byung Kook Cheon, Jong Min Kim, Kyung Seoung Oh, Gyoo Sik Jung, Jin Do Huh, Young Duk Joh
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):187-192.
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Polyarteritis Nodosa of the Gallbladder : A Case Report
Yong Soo Kim, Eui Yong Jeon, Hyun Chul Rhim, Byung Hee Kon, On Koo Cho, Dong Woo Park, Choong Ki Park, Hong Kyu Baik, Se Jin Jang
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):193-196.
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Usefulness of the Miniature Ultrasonic Probe for the Diagnosis of Gastroenterologic Diseases
Chan Sup Shim, Chang Beom Ryu, Yong Deok Cho, Jin Oh Kim, Hyung Keun Bong, Joo Young Cho, Yun Soo Kim, Joon Seong Lee, Moon Sung Lee, and Seong Hwang
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):197-207.
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Role of Ultrasonography in Acute Abdomen
Ji Hyun An, Yeon Hee Lee, Tae Hoon Kim, Jae Un Jung, Pil Mun Yu, Young Hi Choi, Sang Joon Kim, Seung Cheul Kim, Jeong Hee Cho
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):209-214.
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Percutaneous Catheter Drainage of Periappendiceal abscess due to Appendicolith : A case report
Dae Sik Ryu, Heung Chueol Kim, Tae Kyun Han, Hun Hur, Kung Tae Yum, Sook Namkung, Man Soo Park, Woo Chueol Hwang
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):215-217.
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Clinical Usefulness of Duplex Ultrasonography in the Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever
Hyun Ki Yoon
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):219-225.
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Ureteral Calculi : The Diagnostic Value of Combined KUB and Ultrasound
Min Joong Kim, Byong Geun Kim, Byung Ran Park, Se Jong Kim, Kang Seok Ko, Yong Mook Kim, Won Gyu Park
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):227-233.
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Testicular Involvement of Tuberculous Epididymitis : Sonographic Findings
Jae Joon Chung, Joong Hwa Park, Yeon Hee Lee, Myeong Jin Kim, Hyung Sik Yoo, JOng Tae Lee
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):235-241.
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Ultrasonographic Findings of Extratesticular Diseases Causing Acute Scrotal Disorders
Jae Joon Chung, Tack Lee, So Yong Chang, Myeong Jin Kim, Hyung Sik Yoo, Jong Tae Lee
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):243-249.
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Transrectal Ultrasonographic Findings of Obstructive Male Infertility
Chang Il Kim, Yun Hyeon Kim, Heoung Keun Kang, Jae Kyu Kim, Jin Gyoon Park, Heung Il Park, Kwang Seong Park
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):251-259.
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Differentiation of Sumucosal Myoma from Endometrial Polyp by Sonohysterography
Yoon Joo Hwang, Eun Ju Lee, Hee Jae Joo
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):261-266.
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Diagnosis of Torsion of Ovarian Tumor by Color Doppler Sonography : The Significance of Detection of theTwisted Vascular Pedicle
Eun Ju Lee, Chang Ho Lee, Hyuk Chan Kwon
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):267-275.
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Sonographic Appearance of Struma Ovarii : Sonographic Appearance Simulating Ovarian Malignancy and PathologicCorrelation
Hong Ju Son, Eun Ju Lee, Hee Jae Joo, Hee Sug Ryu, Ki Yong Chang
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):277-284.
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First Trimester Cystic Hygroma : Ultrasonographic Findings and Significance
Young Hwa
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):285-290.
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Fetal Pyelectasis : Comparison of Prenatal Ultrasonographic Findings with Postnatal Outcome
Hyo Kyeong Choi, Kyoung Sik Cho, Shi Joon Yoo, Soo Hyun Lee, Hye SUng Won, Ahm Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):291-297.
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Sonographic Layers in Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis seen on High Resolution Sonography
Dae Soon Kim, Shi Joo Yoo, Yong Ho Auh, In Koo Kim, Kyung Mo Kim, Ghee Young Choe
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):299-304.
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Sonographic Findings of Pediatric Intussusception : Comparison between the Reduced and Non-reduced Group
Young Jin Park, Soon Joo Cha, Seong Eun Jung, Soo Young Kim, Yong Hoon Kim, Gam Hur, Myeung Joon Lee
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):305-310.
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Analysis of Ultrasonographic Findings in Children with Urinary Tract Infection : Comparison with VoidingCystourethrography and 99mTc-DMSA Scan
Mi Yong Kim, Chang Hae Suh
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):311-317.
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Sono-Guided Percutaneous Automated Gun Biopsy in Pediatric Renal Disease
Jongchul Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):319-324.
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Evaluation of the Fourth Ventricular Size in Neonate : Using the Mid-Sagittal Image in Brain US & MRI
Jee Hyun Kim, Dae Soon Kim, Hong Kil Shu, Sin Young Cho, Eil Seong Lee, Dae Hyun Whang, Dug Ha Kim, Ik Won Kang
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):325-329.
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Differentiation between Malignant and Benign Masses of Thyroid Gland Using Color Doppler Ultrasonogram
Chang Woo Son, Chang Woo Kim, Se Kwon Sin, Kyeung Jae Jang, Yi Tae KIm
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):331-338.
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Unilateral Hemithorax Opacification on Chest Radiograph : Comparison of Diagnostic Accuracy of ChestUltrasonography with CT
Sook Namkung, Kyung Soo Lee, Seung Eun Chung, O Jung Kwon
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):339-345.
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Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Intraductal Papilloma
Ki Ho Seong, Dae Hyoun Cho, Mi Soo Hwang
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1996;15(2):347-352.