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Table of Contents | , 1989  Vol. 8  No.1 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
1 sonographic appearance of hepatic metastasis from adenocarcinoma of the GI tract:emphasis on echogenicity andperipheral halo
Jin Wha Kang
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):1-7.
8 sonography in evaluation of gallbladder carcinoma: comparision with CT
Byung Ihn Choi
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):8-12.
13 Ultrasonographic diagnosis of fatty liver and relations with body index,serum lipid,and serum triglyceride
Young Deog Jang
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):13-18.
19 Sonographic detection of portal venous gas
Wang Yul Lee
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):19-22.
23 sonographic diagnosis of intramural hematoma of gastrointestinal tract
Seong Ku Woo
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):23-30.
31 Ultrasonographic findings of omental and mesnenteric cysts
Jin Wha Kang
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):31-36.
37 Ultrasonographic findings of tuberculous peritonitis
Dong Ho Lee
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):37-42.
43 scrotal ultrasonography in children
Ju Hee Hong
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):43-50.
51 Paragonimiasis involving ovary
Dong Ho Lee
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):51-53.
54 Percutaneous ultrasound guided umbilical cord blood sampling
Seung Hyup M.D.
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):54-59.
60 congestive index of portal vein
Won Ho Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):60-65.
66 doppler ultrasonographic imaging of obstruction of inferior vena cava
Kwang Hyub Han
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):66-73.
74 clinical sonography in premature infant: Sonographic analysis of incidence and grade of germinal metrixhemorrhage according to gestational age,risk
Jae Hyoung Kim
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):74-77.
78 ultrasonography of chest wall lesion
Cheol Min Park
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):78-85.
86 Ultrasonographic findings in transient synovitis of the hip joint in children-comparision with clinicalassessment-
Eun Jae Ham
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):86-92.
93 Abdominal ultrasonograms in health screen
Jeong Mi Park
J Korean Soc Med Ultrasound. 1989;8(1):93-97.
Volume43 No. 6
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