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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1994;13(2): 81-85.
Effect of Metoclopramide on Portal Blood Flow in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis: Evaluation by the PulsedDoppler System
Soon Koo Baik, Yong Gyu Lee, Sa Joon Lee, Dong Ki Lee, Sang Ok Kwong
Depattment of Internal Medicine, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsej University, Wonju, Korea
OBJECTIVE : Metoclopramide is known to lower the intravariceal flow by raising the lower esophageal sphincterpressure and consequently decreases the portal blood flow. So we designed this study to assess the effect ofmetoclopramide on portal blood flow in cirrhotic patients using pulsed Doppler system. SUBJECTIVES AND METHODS :By using pulsed Doppler ultrasound, portal blood velocity, diameter of the portal vein, portal blood flow, bloodpressure and pulse rate were measured at 15, 30 and 60 minutes after administration of 20mg metoclopramide in 16cirrhotic patients and compared with the basal values. In order 10 cirrhotic patients, normal saline wasadministrated, and the above mentioned parameters were measured. RESULTS : Wothin 15 minutes after intravenousadministration of 20mg metoclopramide, portal blood velocity and portal blood flow decreased significantly, from12.45+2.64 to 11.80+2.55cm/sec and from 1006.3+407.1 to 974.4+414.7ml/min, respectively(P<0.05). In placebo group,there was no significant change in measured parameters after administration of normal saline. CONCLUSION : Theseresults support the hypothesis that metoclopramide significantly decreases the portal blood flow transiently incirrhotic patients with portal hypertension.
Keywords: Metoclopramide, Portal blood flow, Pulsed doppler ultrasound
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