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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1994;13(2): 97-101.
Incidence of callstone in liver cirrhosis patients: comparision with genera population
Chul Jjoong Kim, Cheol Min Park, Seung Chul Park, Kyoo Byung Chung, Won Hyuck Suh
Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Korea University
We investigated the incidence of gallstone detected by ultrasound in cirrhotic patients, and it was comparedwith that of the general population. One hundred and seventy seven patients with proven or suspected livercirrhosis were evaluated sonographically to determine the presence of gallstone. We classified 177 cirrhoticpatients into A,B, and C by Child classification and investigated the incidence of gallstone for each class. Thecontrol group was 363 general population with age distribution and sex-ratio similar to cirrhotic patients.Gallstone was visualized by ultrasound in 32(18.1%) of 177 cirrhotic patients. The incidence of gallstone was13.1% in Child A, 21.0% in child B, and 20.0% in Child C cirrhotic patients. Overall incidence of gallstone was3.9% in 363 general population. In summary, the incidence of gallstone was significantly higher in cirrhosispatients than in general population(p<0.01). The patients with moderate and severe cirrhosis showed higherincidence of gallstone than the patients with mild cirrhosis(20.5% vs 13.1%)
Keywords: Ultrasound, liver cirrhosis, Ultrasound, gallstone
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