Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University
PURPOSE : To evaluate the sonographic features of acute focal bacterial nephritis (AFBN) and changing patternson follow-up sonography and to determine the role of ultrasound in diagnosis and management of the patient.MATERIALS AND METHOD : Sonograms of 11 masses of AFBN in 10 patients were reviewed with special attention to theechogenicity of the mass lesion and ancillary findings which were different from those of other mass lesions.Follow-up sonograms were analyzed for the evaluation of the resolution pattern and course during the antibiotictreatment. RESULTS : The mass was more frequently seen in the right kidney (8 cases) than in the left (2 cases).All lesions involved the upper and/or mid poles. The mass was hypoechoic in 6 occasions and isoechoic in 3. Twomasses were partly or mainly echogenic. Eight masses were poorly defined. All masses showed focal disruption ofcorticomedullary junction and obliteration or compression of sinus fat. No case showed renal contour bulging atthe mass site. On follow-up sonography during and after antibiotic treatment, the mass showed gradual reduction insize and became more clearly defined and its echo texture became more homogeneous. It took 4-6 weeks of treatmentfor the mass to completely disappear. CONCLUSION : Sonography was a useful initial imaging modality in providingdiagnosis of AFBN and was optimal for evaluating the therapeutic effect.