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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1994;13(2): 153-158.
Sonourethrography of anterior urethral strictures: assessment of length and degree
Jong Chul Kim, Youn Sin Jeong
Department of Radiology, Chungnam National University College of Medicine
We reviewed out experience of sonourethrography(SUG) in male anterior urethral strictures to correlate thestricture length and degree seen on SUG with those on urethroscopy, surgery or biopsy. During the recent 6 years,both the retrograde urethrography (RUG) and SUG were preformed in 50 occasions for 47 patients with anteriorurethral stricture, that were subsequently evaluated urethroscopically or at surgery. As a whole, the length ofthe stricture seen on SUG did not correlate very well with that seen on RGU (r2=0.71, p<0.005). Considering thedata from the operation as the gold standard, SUG was more accurate than RUG in depicting the exact stricturelength (r2=0.97 and 0.75 respectively,p<0.005). The shorter the lesion, the more accurate the data obtained.Alghough SUG certainly identified periurethral tissue, it was not adequate in predicting the depth ofspongiofibrosis compared with full-depth biopsies in 20 patients. In conclusion, SUG, a dynamic study, accuratelydefined the stricture site, number and calibre. When compared with RUG, SUG was more accurate in the measurementof stricture length and in the demonstration of periurethral tissue, making it a valuable method in the evaluationof patients with suspected anterior urethral strictures.
Keywords: Male urethra, ultrasonography, Male urethra, stricture
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