Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University
OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the echo pattern of early stage intrahepatic hematoma and change of the echogenicityaccording to the time lapse. MATERIAL & METHODS : Twenty-four patents with blunt abdominal trauma underwentsonography. Intrahepatic hematomas were sonographically, clinically or operatively diagnosed. Sonograms wereretrospectively reviewed by the three observers with consensus. We divided the time interval into 4 groups asfollows; within 24 hours, 2 to 7 days, 8 to 30 days, and after one month. The echogenicity, shape and location ofintrahepatic hematomas were analyzed. RESULTS : Intrapatic hematomas occured in the right lobe of the liver in91.6%, especially in the posterior segment. The margin of hematoma was irregular in 23 cases and well-defined inone case. The shape of intrahepatic hematoma was round in 75%. The echogenicity of hematoma was as follows; within24 hours, hyperechoic(6/14), mixed-echoic(6), hypoechoic(2): in 1~7 days, hyperechoir(1/10), mixed-echoic(6),hypoechoic(3): in 8~30 days, mixed-echoic(5/14), hypoechoic(9) respectively. Two cases were completely resolved.All 7 cases were hypoechoic on sonogram after 31 days. On available follow-up sonograms the lesion showeddecreased echogenicity in 3 of 5 cases at 1~7 days interval, 7 of 12 cases at 8~30 days interval, and 5 of 6 casesafter 1 month interval. CONCLUSION : The echogenicity of the early stage of intrahepatic hematoma was mainlyhyperechoic or mixed-echoic. The echogenicity of hematoma decreased with time lapse.