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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1995;14(1): 29-34.
Evolutionary Changes of Traumatic lntrahepatic Hematomas at Sonography
Se Hun Kim, Nam Suk Lee, Soo Kyung Lee, Won soo Cho, Pyo Nyun Kim, Il Young Kim
Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University
OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the echo pattern of early stage intrahepatic hematoma and change of the echogenicityaccording to the time lapse. MATERIAL & METHODS : Twenty-four patents with blunt abdominal trauma underwentsonography. Intrahepatic hematomas were sonographically, clinically or operatively diagnosed. Sonograms wereretrospectively reviewed by the three observers with consensus. We divided the time interval into 4 groups asfollows; within 24 hours, 2 to 7 days, 8 to 30 days, and after one month. The echogenicity, shape and location ofintrahepatic hematomas were analyzed. RESULTS : Intrapatic hematomas occured in the right lobe of the liver in91.6%, especially in the posterior segment. The margin of hematoma was irregular in 23 cases and well-defined inone case. The shape of intrahepatic hematoma was round in 75%. The echogenicity of hematoma was as follows; within24 hours, hyperechoic(6/14), mixed-echoic(6), hypoechoic(2): in 1~7 days, hyperechoir(1/10), mixed-echoic(6),hypoechoic(3): in 8~30 days, mixed-echoic(5/14), hypoechoic(9) respectively. Two cases were completely resolved.All 7 cases were hypoechoic on sonogram after 31 days. On available follow-up sonograms the lesion showeddecreased echogenicity in 3 of 5 cases at 1~7 days interval, 7 of 12 cases at 8~30 days interval, and 5 of 6 casesafter 1 month interval. CONCLUSION : The echogenicity of the early stage of intrahepatic hematoma was mainlyhyperechoic or mixed-echoic. The echogenicity of hematoma decreased with time lapse.
Keywords: Liver. US study Liver. trauma Liver. hematoma
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