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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1995;14(2): 119-126.
UItrasonographic Findings of Hepatic Hemangioma : Analysis of Echo-Patterns According to Tumor Size
Kang Hoon Lee, Hae Giu Lee, Byung Gil Choi, Jung Im Jung, Sung Yong Lee, Jung Ik Yim, Kyung Sub Shinn
Department of Radiology, Catholic University Medical College
PURPOSE : We performed a retrospective analysis of ultrasonographic features of hepatic hemangiomas accordingto tumor size. MATERlAL AND MATHODS : After an initial ultrasonographic examination, 5l hepatic hemangiomas in 4lpatients were confirmed by one or combined examinations of 99mTc RBC SPECT, computed tomography, magneticresonance imaging. angiography or ultrasonographic follow up. Definition of margin, internal echogenicity,peripheral rim and posterior enhancement were evaluated by two radiologists. RESULT : Fourty seven cases(92%) of51 hemangiomas appeared to be well defined. Of 29 hemangiomas with less than 3cm in diameter. 25 cases (86%)showed homogeneous internal echogenicity. Of 22 hemangiomas with above 3 cm in diameter, l6 cases (73%) showedinhomogeneous echogenicity. Of l2 hemangiomas (24%) with peripheral rim, nine cases revealed hyperechoic rim andtwo hypoechoic rim. The remaining one case showed hyperechoic rim and hypoechoic rim alternately. Hemangiomas withgreater than 3cm in diameter had higher incidence of inhomogeneous echogenicity, peripheral rim and posteriorenhancement than those less than 3 cm(P<0.05). CONCLUSION : The majority of small hepatic hemangiomas are welldefined homogeneous hyperechoic masses. On the other hand, large hemangiomas tended to have higher incidence ofinhomogeneous internal echogenicity, posterior enhancement and a peripheral hyperechoic rim. A hyperechoic masswith a hypoechoic rim should also be considered as a candidate for hepatic hemangioma.
Keywords: Liver. neoplasms Liver. diagnosis Liver. US Liver. hemangioma
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