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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1995;14(2): 127-130.
Perisplenic Pseudo
Hyo Heon Kim, Sin Young Cho, Hong Kil Suh, Ji Hyeon Kim, Chul Soon Choi, Eil Seong Lee, Ik Won Kang
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Collage of Medicine, Hallym University
OBJECTIVE : Perisplenic pseudo "fluid collection" is one of the rare normal variations. Its frequency andsonographic findings for the differentiation from true perisplenic fluid collection have not been well described.Thus, we performed this study. MATERIALS % METHODS : The examination was performaed with special attention to thesplenic and perisplenic areas. We excluded patients with proved or suspected liver cirrhosis, pancreatic diseases,and abdominal trauma from the study population, but did not exclude the patients with chronic hepatitis and thecarriers of hepatitis B virus. RESULTS : Of the examined 4794 patients, 8cases showed perisplenic pseudo "fluidcollection". Two of them were confirmed with computed tomography and liver scan, and six were inferred from thefact proved to be a part of the left lobe extension of the liver by tracing with the transducer. All cases ofperisplenic pseudo "fluid collection" showed hypoechoic crescent area with hepatic ductal echoes. CONCLUSION :Perisplenic pseudo "fluid collection" is very rare. The helpful findings for the differentiation from true fluidcollection are the hepatic ductal echoes seen in the normal liver, proof of continuation into remained voluminousliver by tracing with the transducer. High awareness of it would prevent further unnecessary studies such ascomputed tomography and liver scan.
Keywords: Liver Spleen US studies
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