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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1995;14(2): 143-147.
Interobserver Variation of the RenaI Length Measurement on Ultrasonography
Yoong Ki Jeong, Hye Weon Chung, Tae Sung Kim, Jae Wook Ryoo, Tae Kyoung Kim, Seung Hyup Kim
Department of Radiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine
PURPOSE : We assessed interobserver variation in the measurement of the renal length on ultrasonography.MATERlALS AND METHODS : Ultrasonographic examinations were performed in randomly selected 50 patients. The maximallenhths of both kidneys were measured with calipers during the scanning from frozen images by three observers in ablinded fashion. RESULTS : There was a relatively constant tendency of an observer to measure a renal lengtheither longer or shorter than the other observer(Kendall coefficient>0.05). Average interobserver variations were0.51 cm (±0.42 cm) in right kidney and 0.53 cm (±0.41 cm) in left kidney and were within 1 cm in 91% rigth and89% of left kidney. CONCLUSION : Interobserver variation about 1cm should be considered in the measurement of therenal lenght on ultrasonography.
Keywords: Kidney length. US Interobserver variation. US
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