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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1995;14(2): 183-189.
TransvaginaI Sonoperitoneography for Detecting Pelvic Adhesions in lnfertile Women
Hyun Sook Kim, Eun Ju Lee, Hyuk Chan Kwon, Hoon Ji, Jung Ho Suh
Department of Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology2, College of Medicine, Ajou University Department of radiology, College of Medicine, Younsei University1
PURPOSE : To assess the usefulness of transvaginal sonoperitoneography(TVSP) in detection of pelvic adhesionsin patients with infertility. MATERIALS & METHODS : Thirty-five patients underwent TVSP prior to laparoscopy toinvestigate infertility. A Foley catheter was placed into the uterus and sterile saline was infused into thepelvic cavity through the uterine cavity for sonographic visualization of the pelvic organs. The TVSP findingswere compared with those of laparoscopic evaluation. RESULTS : With laparoscopic findings as the standerd,sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value of TVSP were 88%, 60%, 80%. 85%, 67%, respectively.The distribution, severity, and extent of pelvic adhesions were easily identified by TVSP and well correlated withlaparoscopy. Of 103 lesions in 22 patients confirmed by laparoscopy, the distribution of pelvic adhesions wasperitubal(23%), periovarian(20%),and tubo-ovarian(18%). In severity, 84% of lesions showed thick bands. In extent,23% of patients showed pelvic adhesions confined to 2 or 3 lesions. RESULTS :TVSP is an useful and noninvasivemethod of detecting pelvic adhesions in patients with infertility.
Keywords: US studies Transvaginal sonoperitoneography Pelvic adhesion Infertility
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