Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Dongguk University
This study was performed to determine the sonographic dimensions of normal kidney in Korean male and toinvestigate their correlation with age, height, and weight. The ultrasound examinations were performed in 532healthy Korean male from July 1993 to December 1993. We measured the length, the width, and the thickness of bothkidneys and those of both central echogenic area. Then renal shape index (RSI), renal volume (RV), volume ofcentral (CEV) echogenic area, and renal parenchymal volume (RPV) were calculated from these measurements. The meanRV of the right kidney was 129.30 ± 30.20 cm³(Mean ± Standard Deviation) and that of the left kidney was 137.06± 29.73 cm³. Meanwhile the mean renal length of right kidney was 10.42 ± 0.61 cm and that of the left kidneywas 10.63 ± 0.62 cm being distributed more compactly near mean value than the RV. Therefore the renal lengthcould be more useful than RV in discrimination of abnormally increased or decreased kidney. While renal width,thickness and RV were increased with age, CEV showed no corresponding change. Therefore, the increase in RV couldbe attributed to the increase in RPV. Meanwhile the RSI was decreased with age. The renal rength, renal thickness,thickness of central echogenic area, RV, CEV, and RPV showed strong correlation with weight. The renal length andthe length of central echogenic area showed good correlation with height.