Department of Diagnostic Radiology1, Department of Surgery2, Department of Pathology3 Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine
PURPOSE : To evaluate the clinical utility of the ultrasonography (US)-guided aspiration cytology fornonpalpable breast lesions. MATERIAL & METHODS : US-guided aspiration cytology was performed in 50 lesions in 37patients who underwent US of the breasts and axillary area. Adequacy for the pathologic diagnosis was correlatedwith the size, volume, depth of the lesions and type of needles. The causes of inadequacy and complications wereassessed. Available mammographic findings were correlated with US findings. Final diagnoses on surgical biopsywere correlated with the diagnoses on aspiration cytology. RESULTS : Thirty four of the 50 lesions were adequatefor pathologic diagnosis (68%). The size and volume of the lesions were not significantly related with adequacy.Shallow depth was significantly better. Cutting needles were better than plain needles. Causes of inadequacy werelow cell number and bleeding. Complications were small amount of bleeding and pain. Mammographic findings werenonspecific in 61% of the cases. Pathologic diagnoses were ductal hyperplasia and fibrocystic changes in 62%.Surgical biopsy was done in 5 cases. None of the lesions showed malignancy. CONCLUSION : US-guidance is necessaryand effective for the cytologic diagnoses of the nonpalpable lesions. However, invasive procedure could bedeferred for several months for these nonpalpable small lesions which are mostly benign.