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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1996;15(2): 251-259.
Transrectal Ultrasonographic Findings of Obstructive Male Infertility
Chang Il Kim, Yun Hyeon Kim, Heoung Keun Kang, Jae Kyu Kim, Jin Gyoon Park, Heung Il Park, Kwang Seong Park
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Urology1 Chonnam University Medical School
PURPOSE : To evaluate the usefulness of the transrectal ultrasound in infertile men with suspected obstructivelesions of sperm transport system. MATERIAL & METHODS : We performed transrectal US in 26 infertile patients inwhom obstructive lesions of sperm transport system were suspected in physical examination and laboratory data. 7.0MHz transrectal transducer was used and the content of analysis of sonographic findings was the presence of vasdeferens, seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct. Also, we measured the width of seminal vesicle and diameter ofejaculatory duct. RESULTS : Transrectal US revealed an accurate diagnosis in 12 infertile men who had obstructivelesions and associated abnormalities in distal sperm transport system, two of congenital bilateral absence of thevasa deferentia and seminal vesicles, two of congenital unilateral absence of the vas deferens and seminalvesicle, three of dilatation of seminal vesicles, and five of dilatation of ejaculatory ducts and proximal ducts.The other 14 patients who had normal findings on transrectal US were revealed to have testicular failure (10patients) and obstruction of proximal sperm transport system (4 patients) which were beyond the field-of-view oftransrectal US. CONCLUSION : Transrectal US is the useful diagnostic method for the evaluation of infertile menwith suspected obstructive lesions of sperm transport system. It can possibly decrease the need for the invasivevasography and may be helpful in the guidance of appropiate management of male infertility.
Keywords: Genitourinary system. abnormalities, Genitourinary system. US, Sterility, Vas deferens Seminal vesicle
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