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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1996;15(2): 277-284.
Sonographic Appearance of Struma Ovarii : Sonographic Appearance Simulating Ovarian Malignancy and PathologicCorrelation
Hong Ju Son, Eun Ju Lee, Hee Jae Joo, Hee Sug Ryu, Ki Yong Chang
Department of Radiology, Pathology2, Obstetrics and Gynecology3, Ajou University College of Medicine Department of Radiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine1
PURPOSE : To describe the ultrasonographic features of struma ovarii and its pathologic correlation anddetermine the usefulness in differentiating struma ovarii from other malignant ovarian tumor. MATERIAL & METHODS :The clinical, ultrasonographic, and pathologic findings of six patients in whom struma ovarii was pathologicallyconfirmed were reviewed retro-spectively. RESULTS : We were able to observe three types of characteristicsonographic findings : 1) multilobulated solid mass with multiple small cystic areas (n = 1), 2) multilocularcystic mass with hick septa and solid areas (n = 3), 3) cystic or solid mass with typical features of teratoma,such as fat, mural nodule, and bone (n = 2). These findings were well correlated with pathologic findings. Fourpatients had scattered microcalcifications and linear or curvilinear calcifications in the septa and solid area.Color Doppler sonography revealed a blood flow in the solid portion, septa and walls of the cyst, and the range ofresistive index was from 0.39 to 0.48. CONCLUSION : These characteristic sonographic findings may be useful fordifferential diagnosis of struma ovarii from other malignant ovarian tumor.
Keywords: Ovary. neoplasm, Ovary. US studies, Ovary. Teratoma
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