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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1982;1(1): 20-28.
Sonographic findings of space occupying lesions in liver
In One Kim
Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
Gray scale ultrasonography is used with increasing frequency for the detection and characterization of hepaticspace occupying lesions. Authors analyzed sonographic findings of 73 cases of hepatic space occupying lesions,which had been confirmed histologically or diagnosed clinically. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Mostcommon sonographic pattern of hepatic neoplasms was well-defined increased echogenic mass. No significantsonographic difference was noted between primary and metastatic tumor. Splenomegaly and distortion of hepaticechoes favored hepatocellular carcinoma, and multiplicity favored metastatic tumor. 2. Most common sonographicpattern of hepatic abscess was well-defined decreased echogenecity or echoless cystic lesion containing fine lowlevel echoes with posterior enhancement. 3. Hepatic cyst showed sharply defined echoless cystic lesion with strongposterior enhancement.
Keywords: liver, US studies
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