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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1982;1(1): 77-82.
Renal Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of the Non-functioning Kidney
Ik Won Kang, Jeong Soo Suh
Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
Renal ultrasound is independent of renal function and capable of renal imaging in impaired or dysplastic renaldiseases. Authors reviewed renal ultrasonographic findings of 36 cases which showed non-visualization inintravenous pyelography from Feb. 1979 to Sep. 1982 at Seoul National university Hospital. The results are asfollows: 1. Causes of non-visualization of the kidney in IVP were unilateral hydronephrosis(18 cases), renaltuberculosis(7), renal failure(6), renal agenesis(3), tumor(1),and pyonephrosis(1) 2. The sonographic findingswere diagnostic in all the cases of unilateral hydronephrosis, renal agenesis and renal tumor. 3. The sonographicfindings were not diagnostic but suggestive in more than half cases of renal tuberculosis. 4. Renal ultrasound wasnot helpful in the diagnosis of renal failure, but useful in delineation of renal size and shape.
Keywords: kidney, US studies
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