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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1982;1(1): 100-105.
Ultrasonic evaluation of the brain through surgical defects-comparison with computed tomography
Ki Hwan Kim, Jung Hyuk Kim
Dept of Radiology, Seoul District Armed Forces General Hospital
Burr hole or craniectomy site can severe as good acoustic windows to the nearby intracranial contents.Sonography of nine patientsas postoperative follow up examination is reported that proved to be a valuablediagnostic method for following reasons. Comparing with the computed tomography, SONOGRAPHY 1. is an inexpensive,rapid and easy means. 2. provides any obliquity or plane such as sagittal, coronal or axial. 3. lacks disconfortof contrast injection. 4. differentiates between solid and cystic lesions. 5. monitors changes of ventricular sizeespecially after shunt surgery. 6. can detect complications such as subdural collections. 7. makes it possible toaspirate fluid collections under the sonographic guidance.
Keywords: brain, US studies
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