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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1982;1(1): 126-134.
Ultrasonography in Obstertrics
Hyon-u Lee
Cheil Hospital, Seoul, Korea
The usefulness of pulse-echo ultrasonography of the practics of obstetrics has been great. It is more reliablethan many biochemical and biophysical technics that have been developed in recent years to try to improvepregnancy outcome. When carefully performed and acurately interpreted, it can supply most vital informations aboutthe status of the fetus without any known risks to both mother and the fetus itself. The main obstertricalindications of ultrasonography coule be summarized as follows. 1. Diagnosis of early pregnancy. 2. Fetal growthand its maturity. 3. Complications of pregnancy and abnormal pregnancy. a) Vaginal bleeding in early intrauterinepregnancy. b) Multiple pregnancy. c) Ectopic pregnancy d) Hydatidiform mole e) Pelvic mass complicated withpregnancy f) Fetal anomaly 4. Fetal presenation and attitude 5. Placentography .
Keywords: pregnancy, US studies
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