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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1983;2(1): 3-8.
Ultrasonoic chracterization of liver tissue -equivalent material by digital spectrum analysis technique
Byung Ihn Choi, Hyo Kun Lim, Yeon Myung Choo, Chu Wan Kim, Cheol Eun Kwack, Byoung Min
Department of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering,* College of Medicine, Seoul National University
The authors produced the soft issue-equivalent material using agar, water, n-propyl alcohal and powdered graphite and measured the tissue characteristic parameters quantitatively by digital spectrum analysis technique. The authous also calculated the acoustic parameter of liver tissue in 25 normal adults by the same technique and compared the acoustic parameter of normal human liver with that of the issue-equivalent material. 1. Soft tissue-equivalent material with any specific acoustic parameter can be produced by controlling the amount of powdered graphite and n-propyl alcohol in composition of tissue equivalent material. 2. Attenuation coefficient of normal human liver tissue by digital spectrum analysis technique is 0.3612 dB/co MHz, and the most proper composition of the liver tissue equivalent material is 50g of powdered graphite, 399cc of water, 15g of agar and 45cc of n-propyl alcohol.
Keywords: liver, US studies
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