Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
Laparotomy was performed in 8 cases of gallbladder cancer and left supraclavicular lymph node biopsy was done 1 case of gallbladder cancer at Seoul National University Hospital for 4 years since March, 1979.
Ultrasonographic appearances in 9 cases of gallbladder cancer were correlated with the surgical and pathologic findings.
The results were as follows:
1. Among 9 cases of gallbladder cancers, fungation form was found in 6 cases, diffuse infiltration form with wall thickening in 1 case and mixed in 2 cases.
2. All cases of gallbladder cancer had internal echogenecity and irregular surface.
Internal echogenecity of gallbladder cancer was stronger than that of liver in 7 cases and was weaker in 2 cases.
3. Gallbladder was enlarged in 5 cases, contracted in 1 case and 3 cases were within normal limit.
4. Among 9 cases of gallbladder cancers, 5 cases had ill defined borders from adjacent sturcture, which suggest direct invasion of gallbladder cancer.
5. Among 9 cases of gallbladder cancers, mass was confined in gallbladder in 1 case, local spread to adjacent sturcture was found in 8 cases and 2 cases showed distant metastasis.
6. Ultrasonography is essential in the diagnosis of gallbaldder cancer, because it suggests exact localization and extent of the tumor invasion.