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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1983;2(1): 63-71.
ultrasoundguided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy
Jong Tae Lee, Hyung Sik Yoo, Ki Whang Kim, Chang Yun Park, Gwang Gin Lee
Department of radiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Department of pathology, Yonsej University College of Medicine
In recent years ultrasound scanning as well as well as computed tomography have been already established as the most useful image techniques for the detection of pancreatic disorders It is, however. not possible to make a pathologic dianosis whether the mass or lesions of pancreas is malignant or benign without the histological measures such as biopsy or operation. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy which was first introduced by Hanckeet al. in 1975 is considered as one of the most valuable method for the qualitative diaagnosis preoperatively in the pancreatic tumor. Authors performed ultrasound-guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration bipsy in 5 cases which were preoperatively dignosed as the malignant tumors by cytology and later finally confirmed as the pancreatic cancers, and reporth here the results of them. Besides, Authors introduced the technique. Consequently we were convinced the of ultrasound-guided percutaneous find needle aspiration biopsy in the pancreatic tumor is the best method for the conclusive diagnosis.
Keywords: pancreas neoplasms, US studuies,biopsy
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