Ultrasonography Search


Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1983;2(1): 95-101.
Ultrasonography og anterior abdominal wall lesion
K.N. Lee
Department of Radiology, Maryrnoll Hospital, Busan
The anterior abdominal wall has received little attention in the ultrasonic evaluation. However recently the improved resolution of ultrasound scanning devices has made possible routine examination of the anterior abdominal wall. The authors evaluated ultrasonographic findings of anterior abdominal wall lesions in 27 cases for 1 year(from July '82 to Aug. '83), which were finally diagnosed pathologically and clinically. The results were as follows: 1. Well defined peritoneal line and layers of the anterior abdominal wall made it possible to localize the lesions accurately from adjacent structures. 2. Abscess and hematoma were lower in echogenecity than adjacent tissues, such as muscle layer or subcutaneous fat space and were well delineated from normal structures. 3. In hernia, easy differentiation was made due to oval shape, poor or decreased echo pattern and protrustion from skin layer. Conclusively, in the doubtful cases of palpable mass in the abdominal wall, postoperative complications of sequele, such as accurately but also the guide of treatment. Ultrasonography of anterior abdominal wall is useful to demonstrate the exact location, extent of the lesions and to decrease the frequency of useless laparatomy.
Keywords: abdominal wall, US studies
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