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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1987;6(1): 63-69.
Ultrasonography for Evaluation of Fallopian Tube Patency
Young Ho Lee, Byung Jae Cho, Gyung Byung Roh, Dong Hee Lee, and seung Lee
Department of Radiology, cheil General Hospital , Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, cheil General Hospital
Fallopian tube patency was assessed in 30 infertile patients by hystero salpingography and ultrasonographic examination of the cul-de sac following transcervical instillation of a sterile soulution(0.9% sodium chloride sol). The presence of fluid in the cul-de sac, after the instillation, was taken to indicate tubal patency. In3 cases, evaluation of fluid in the cul-de sac was incomplete because of difficulty in instillation technic. But this problem can be reduced by using modified transcervical insertion device and accumulation of experiences. Among 27 cases, hysterosalpingography and the ultrasonographic diagnosis as to the presence of a at least unilateral tubal patency were concordant in 24 cases. Ultrasonography can eliminates unnecessary exposure of the female pelvis to inizing radiation and avoid the use of iodinated contrast material. Ultrasonography thought to be advocated as the initial examination in assessing infertility in young women. If tubal patency is demonstrated, the patient may be advised to remain in a six months trial period of fertility before invasive procedures are initiated.
Keywords: uterus, US studies
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