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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1989;8(2): 142-146.
Sonographic findings of Traumatic spleen injuries
Jang Ho Moon
The authors analysed ultrasonographic findings of 18 cases of splenic injury. The type of injury was hematoma in seven cases (39%), Iaceration in five cases (31%), capsular tear in four cases (29%) and rupture in two cases (11%). Hemoperitoneum was combined in all cases. The hemoperitoneum was combined in all cases. The hemoperitoneum was combined in all cases. The hemoperitoneum was only observed in perisplenic space in the cases of capsular tear. Ultrasonography is considered a good initial examination in the evaluation of splenic trauma and a perisplenic fluid collection is considered a suggestive finding of splenic injury.
Keywords: spleen, US studies, Trauma, US studies, Spleen,trauma
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