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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1989;8(2): 147-151.
Focal splenic metastasis: sonographic and CT findings
Sook Wook Kang
Ultrasonographic and computed tomographic findings were analysed in 20 patients with splenic metastasis. The population consisted of six cases of lymphoma, five cases of gastric cancer, two cases of ovarian cancer, two cases of lung cancer, one case each of utering cervical cancer, choriocarcinoma, hepatoma, prostatic cancer and colon cancer. Twelve cases showed multiple metastases while eight cases showed only a single metastasis. Ultrasonographically 18 cases were hypoechoic and two cases were hyperechoic. On the CT, all metastatic lesions were hyperechoic. Splenic metastasis was associated with metastasis in other organs in 85% of cases, while hepatic metastases was associated in only29%
Keywords: Spleen, US stdioes, Spleen, CT, Spleen , neoplasm
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