The authors performed ultrasound-guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration bipsy in 100 patients with various diseases and assessed both its success rate and the accuracy of the pathologic diagnosis The population consisted of 38 cases of liver dise ase, 27 cases of lung disease, 16 cases of necl disease, 8 cases of retroperitoneal disease, 7 cases of pelvic disease and 4 cases of abdominal disease. The overall success rate was 89%. The success rate was 89.5% of liver disease cases, 96% on chest disease cases, 100% of neck disease cases, 63% of retroperitoneal disease cases, 71% of pelvic disease cases and 75% of abdominal disease cases. Three patients complained of a mild pain at the site of biopsy. there were no major complications. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy was therefore considered a safe and useful method in tissue diagnosis.