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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1990;9(2): 127-130.
Antero-posterior diameter of left renal vein in normal and nutcracker syndrome
Seung Hyup Kim
To evaluate the significance of a sonographic measurement of antero-posterior diameter of the left renal vein in Nutcracker syndrome, we analyzed the data obtained from sonographic measurements in five patients with Nutcracker syndrome, sonographic measurements in 80 normal control group, and CT measurements in 30 normal control group. In normal control groups, diameter of the left renal vein measured by sonography was smaller than that measured by CT This difference is probably due to compression ofabdomen by transducer during sonographic examination. There was no statistically significant difference between the diameter of the left renal vein obtained by sonography in patients with Nutcracker syndrome and in normal control group. Therefore we do not think that we could use a sonographic measurement of the antero-posterior diameter of the left renal vein in the diagnosis of Nutcracker syndrome.
Keywords: Renal veins,stenosis or obstruction
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