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Ultrasonography > Volume 42(1); 2023 > Article
CHEON: Ultrasonography: turning the corner
In summer 2022, the Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine made the exciting announcement that Ultrasonography had an impact factor (IF) of 4.725, according to the newly released Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Report (JCR). The IF, which reflects the citation rate of a journal’s articles in the last 2 years, is generally used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field of interest. As mentioned previously [1], we’ve taken steps to increase our IF by attracting upto-date guidelines on ultrasonography and by publishing artificial intelligence related content, as well as other review articles. The current IF of Ultrasonographyy is higher than that of any other general clinical ultrasound journal except Ultraschall in der Medizin-European Journal of Ultrasound, the official journal of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (IF=5.445). The number of citable articles in Ultrasonographyy, including reviews and original articles, has increased in the last 2 years, and the total number of citations of Ultrasonographyy in the JCR database for 2019-2021 reached 1,170 (https://jcr.clarivate.com/). The number of countries of authors increased from 12 in 2016-2017 to 22 in 2018-2019 and 28 in 2020-2021 [2].
The success of Ultrasonographyy is attributed to our outstanding authors, reviewers, editors, and editorial board members, and to you, our dedicated readers. Once again, we would like to express our gratitude for your continued dedication to our journal and for promoting excellence in patient care and healthcare delivery through education, research, and innovation. We also thank our dedicated reviewers for their contributions, which require substantial time and effort. All articles published in Ultrasonographyy undergo meticulous peer review. Together with our editorial board members, our reviewers are the backbone of this journal for maintaining the quality of publications. We are pleased to make a special note of reviewers whom we would like to recognize for the high quality of their prompt, detailed, and scholarly reviews—the recipients of the 2022 Best Reviewer Awards. These Best Reviewer Awards are based on the quality, timeliness, and quantity of reviews each year. Each awardee will receive a certificate and letter of appreciation.
From now on, Ultrasonographyy will be available exclusively online. In addition to reducing the environmental impact of journal publication, the move from print to digital also provides our readers with the earliest possible access to articles on a mobile device or computer. Readers can quickly and conveniently access Ultrasonographyy from anywhere in the world at https://e-ultrasonography.org.


1. Yu JS. ULTRASONOGRAPHY: coping with changes and setting new directions after being listed in SCIE. Ultrasonography 2020;39:1–2.
crossref pmid pmc pdf
2. Huh S. Position of Ultrasonography in the scholarly journal network based on bibliometrics and developmental strategies for it to become a top-tier journal. Ultrasonography 2020;39:238–246.
crossref pmid pmc pdf
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