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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2013;32(4): 249-260.
Prenatal Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Frequent Congenital Fetal Anomalies.
Mi Jin Song, Young Hwa Kim
Department of Radiology, Cheil General Hospital & Women's Healthcare Center, Kwandong University College of Medicine, Korea. daumykim@hanmail.net
  Published online: December 31, 2013.
We have an increasing interest in the congenital anomaly, caused by an increasing number of pregnancies in elderly women and exposure to hazard environmental factors. Our aim is to analyze the frequency of congenital anomaly based on prenatal ultrasonography, and to describe the major ultrasonographic findings. Findings of fetal anomalies on prenatal ultrasound examination always lead to stressful times for women and families; when a fetal anomaly is identified, the pregnant woman should be offered a timely consultation in order to optimize prenatal management options. Providing accurate information and early detection to these women and families will allow them to make informed decisions.
Keywords: Prenatal Diagnosis; Fetus; Ultrasonography
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