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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2013;32(2): 111-119.
Hemodynamics on Three-Phase Dynamic CT and Ultrasonographic Echogenicity of Small Hepatic Cavernous Hemangioma.
Hye Jeong Choi, Dae Jung Kim, Kyoung Ah Kim, Sang Wook Yoon
Department of Radiology, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University, Korea. choikim75@gmail.com
  Published online: June 30, 2013.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between hemodynamics on three-phase CT and ultrasonography echogenecity of small hepatic cavernous hemangiomas (0.5 - 3 cm). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 158 hepatic cavernous hemangiomas in 139 patients with normal liver parenchyma, who underwent ultrasonography and dynamic CT, were analyzed retrospectively over a six-year period. Two radiologists performed independent analysis of the echogenecity (hyperechoic to hypoechoic) on ultrasonography and hemodynamics (slow to rapid) on CT images using five-grade scales. Correlation between ultrasonography echogenecity scores and CT hemodynamics scores was examined using Spearman's correlation analysis. CT hemodynamics scores were also evaluated with respect to the size of the hepatic cavernous hemangiomas using Spearman's correlation analysis. RESULTS: The ultrasonography echogenecity scores showed significant correlation with the CT hemodynamics scores (r=0.364, p<0.001 for Reviewer 1; r=0.567, p<0.001 for Reviewer 2). The size of the cavernous hemangiomas did not show significant correlation with the CT hemodynamics scores (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: More rapid filling of contrast materials in small hepatic cavernous hemangiomas on dynamic CT suggests a greater decrease in echogenecity on ultrasonography and the echogenicity of small hepatic cavernous hemangiomas on ultrasonography can be predicted based on their hemodynamics on dynamic CT.
Keywords: Cavernous hemangioma; Liver; Ultrasonography; Computed tomography
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