Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea.
Published online: June 1, 2010.
PURPOSE: To describe mammographic and ultrasonographic findings of previous chemoport insertion sites. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We included patients who had abnormal findings at chemoport insertion sites on mammography and ultrasonography from 224 patients who underwent chemoport insertion and breast imaging at our institution between January, 2005, and December, 2007. Abnormal findings were identified in 16 mammographies and 14 ultrasonographies in 10 patients. The mean age was 50.9 years and the age range was from 44 to 67 years. Abnormal findings on mammography and ultrasonography were retrospectively analyzed according to ACR/BI-RADS. All cases were followed up with imaging studies for 2 years to confirm changes after chemoport insertion. RESULTS: Of the abnormal findings identified on mammography, focal asymmetry (7/16) was the most common. Other abnormal findings included mass (6/16), skin retraction (2/16), residual chemoport tip (1/16), and trabecular thickening (1/16). Of the abnormal findings seen on ultrasonography, skin thickening (12/14) was the most common. Other abnormal findings included mass (5/14), diffuse increased echogenicity of subcutaneous tissue (1/14), and a localized skin nodule (1/14). Abnormal findings on mammography and ultrasonography were located in the upper outer quadrant in 5 patients, upper inner quadrant in 3 patients, and mid upper portion in 1 patient. In 1 patient, the abnormal finding was only identified in the mediolateral oblique view of her mammography. CONCLUSION: Radiologists should be aware of potential abnormal findings on mammography and ultrasonography following chemoport insertion. In particular, ultrasonography is a very useful modality for detecting skin complications after chemoport insertion.