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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2008;27(3): 153-156.
Ultrasonographic Features of a Colovesical Fistula Arising Secondary to Sigmoid Colon Diverticulitis: A Case Report.
Hyun Cheol Kim, Dal Mo Yang, Suk Hwan Lee, Sun Hyung Joo
1Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, East-West Neo Medical Center, Kyung-Hee University, Korea. khcppp@paran.com
2Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, East-West Neo Medical Center, Kyung-Hee University, Korea.
  Published online: September 1, 2008.
Colovesical fistulae secondary to diverticulitis usually manifest themselves as non-specific lower abdominal discomfort and urologic symptoms. CT is known to be the most sensitive modality for diagnosing this entity. Ultrasonography is the initial diagnostic tool used for evaluating patients with these symptoms, but there have been no reports describing the ultrasonographic findings of colovesical fistulae in Korea. Therefore, we present a case of an ultrasonographically diagnosed colovesical fistula complicating sigmoid diverticulitis. Color Doppler ultrasonography was used in conjunction with lower abdominal compression in order to determine if the fistulous tract was open or obliterated.
Keywords: Ultrasound; Fistula; Diverticulitis; Colon; Bladder
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