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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2008;27(2): 99-102.
Cystic Change in a Primary Retroperitoneal Angiosarcoma: A Case Report.
Eun Hwa Choe, Ji Ho Ko
1Department of Radiology, Masan Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea. easyblue@hanmail.net
2Department of Radiology, Busan Medical Center, Korea.
  Published online: June 1, 2008.
A retroperitoneal angiosarcoma is rare. Especially, a cystic change in retroperitoneal angiosarcoma is extremely rare and it is difficult to distinguish an angisarcoma with a cystic change in the differential diagnosis with other retroperitoneal cystic masses. We report here a case of a cystic change in a retroperitoneal angiosarcoma of a 61-year-old woman who complained of abdominal pain. Imaging studies, including ultrasonography and computed tomography, detected a lobulating cystic mass with inner enhancing irregular septations and walls in the retroperitoneum. The tumor was surgically resected and was histopathologically diagnosed as an angiosarcoma.
Keywords: Angiosarcoma; Retroperitoneal tumor; Ultrasonography; CT
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