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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2006;25(4): 195-198.
Ruptured Epidermal Inclusion Cyst in the Axilla: A Case Report.
Kyu Soon Kim, Hak Hee Kim, Hee Jeong Shin, Hye Rin Yang, Jeong Hee Sohn, Gui Young Kwon, Gyungyub Gong
1Department of Radiology, Asan Medial Center, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Korea. hhkim@amc.seoul.kr
2Department of Pathology, Asan Medial Center, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: December 1, 2006.
Epidermal inclusion cysts, the most common type of simple epithelial cyst, are typically well-encapsulated, subepidermal and mobile nodules. They may occur anywhere, but are mostly found on the scalp, face, neck, trunk, and back. Less than 10% of epidermal inclusion cysts occur on the extremities, and even fewer are found on the palms, soles, and breasts. If epidermal inclusion cysts rupture, foreign body reaction, granulomatous reaction or abscess formation could follow. We described here the sonographic findings of ruptured epidermal inclusion cyst of the right axilla in a 33-year-old woman who presented with a palpable axillary mass forming an inflammatory abscess. Address for reprints : Hak Hee Kim, M.D., Department of Radiology, Asan Medial Center, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine 388-1 Pungnap-2dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul 138-736, Korea.
Keywords: Soft tissues, neoplasms; Soft tissues, US
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