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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2003;22(3): 171-175.
Usefulness of Ultrasonographic Examination of Diagnosis of Muscle Hernia.
Jin Soo Choi, Sung Moon Lee
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Korea. mlee@dsmc.or.kr
  Published online: September 1, 2003.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the usefulness of ultrasonography in diagnosis of muscle hernia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ultrasonographic findings of seven patients with muscle hernia were retrospectively reviewed. The subjects consisted of 6 males and 1 female, age ranged from 17 to 66 years (mean=45 years). Ultrasonographic examination was performed using a high-frequency (7-15 MHz) linear probe during rest and stress states of the affected muscle, and both tranverse and longitudinal views were obtained. RESULTS: Six muscle herniations were located in the lower extremity in six cases while only one muscle herniation, in the upper extremity. Four cases showed a focal defect of the fascia with a localized bulging out of the muscle substance through the defect. Herniated muscle in stress state was larger and harder than in rest state. In 3 cases, defect of the fascia was not noted on ultrasonography. However, the affected muscle showed an abnormal contraction with a focal bulging out appearance during stress state. Ultrasonographically, the herniated muscle substance was less echogenic than the normal muscle without any evidence of muscle tear or associated mass in all cases. CONCLUSION: Ultrasonography is a simple and useful dynamic study of muscle hernia in diagnosis and differentiation of muscle hernia.
Keywords: Muscles, abnormalities; Muscles, US
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