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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2002;21(4): 295-298.
Colovesical Fistula Secondary to Sigmoid Diverticulitis Mimicking Bladder Tumor on Ultrasonography: A Case Report.
Yun Jung Kang, Bum Ha Yi, Joo Won Lim, Dong Ho Lee, Young Tae Ko
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Korea. uroradiolim@dreamwiz.com
  Published online: December 1, 2002.
Colovesical fistula is not an infrequent urologic complication of diverticulitis. However, the frequency of diverticuli at sigmoid colon is low in Korea, and there have been few radiologic reports of colovesical fistula caused by diverticulitis. We report a case of colovesical fistula secondary to sigmoid diverticulitis that mimics bladder tumor on ultrasonography. Additional diagnostic modalities including CT and MRI were performed, and pathologic confirmation was done by surgery.
Keywords: Bladder, US; Ristula, enterovesical; Colon, diverticula
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