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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2000;19(4): 325-333.
US-Guided Preoperative Hook-Wire Localization of Nonpalpable Breast Lesions.
Tae Beom Shin, Sang Kwon Lee, Hye Jung Kim, Hun Kyu Ryeom, Tae Hun Kim, Yong Ju Kim, Duk Sik Kang, Young Ha Lee, Ho Yong Park
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Kyungpook National University.
2Department of General Surgery, College of Medicine, Kyungpook National University.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of US-guided preoperative wire localization of nonpalpable breast lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: US-guided preoperative wire localization was performed upon 45 nonpalpable breast le-sions including 14 nonpalpable masses, 11 nonpalpable masses with microcalcifications, 11 ductal lesions, 9 with microcalcifications. No local anesthesia was performed during the localization procedure. Under the US-guidance, the needle with the hook-wire was inserted into the lesion until the hook of the wire reached 1 cm be-yond the posterior margin of the lesion. Precise wire positioning was confirmed by mammography. Specimen radiography or specimen ultrasonography was performed in all cases. RESULTS: US-guided preoperative wire localization was successfully achieved in all cases. The time required for US-guided wire localization was less than five minutes. All lesions were successfully removed by surgical exci-sion. Successful removal was confirmed by specimen radiography or specimen ultrasonography, gross findings of the specimen and consistency between radiographic and pathologic findings. The histologic diagnosis of 45 lesions were 7 ductal carcinoma in situ, 8 invasive ductal carcinoma, 6 fibroadenoma, 8 intraductal papilloma, 2 atypical ductal hyperplasia, and 14 fibrocystic changes. No complications were occurred during and after the procedure. CONCLUSION: US-guided preoperative wire localization for excisional biopsy is simple, safe, and accurate method in the histologic diagnosis of nonpalpable breast lesions detectable with ultrasonography.
Keywords: Breast, diseases; Breast, US; Breast, biopsy
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