Ultrasonography Search


Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2000;19(4): 295-300.
The Value of Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Portal Vein Thrombosis by Umbilical Venous Catheterization.
Kwang Keun Lee, Young Tong Kim, Il Young Kim
Department of Radiology, Chonan Hospital, Soonchunhyang University.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the usefulness of ultrasonography for diagnosis of portal vein thrombosis (PVT) associated with the umbilical venous cathterization (UVC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed the abnormal ultrasonography of 54 patients with UVC. We observed e-chogenic thrombus in the portal vein by ultrasonography which has a 5-10 MHz linear transducer. We evaluated the frequency of PVT, the relationship between PVT and duration of UVC, and the location of catheter tip (Group I (n = 41): above the diaphragm, Group II (n = 9): between the diaphragm and the liver, Group III (n = 4): below the liver), the location of thrombus on US, and the change of PVT on the follow-up ultrasonography. RESULTS: PVT was identified in the 7 neonates (13%) among the 54 neonates with UVC. The frequency of PVT was 5% on group I, 45% on group II and 25% on group III. The 6 cases among the 7 cases(86%) of PVT were localized to the umbilical portion of the left portal vein, and there were completely resolved (n= 4) or regressed (n = 1) on the follow-up ultrasonography(n = 5). Ramaining one case of PVT was located in the right, left, and main portal veins with collateral formation, and cavernous transformation occured on the follow-up. CONCLUSION: Most PVTs by UVC are localized to the umbilical portion of left portal vein. Ultrasonography is a useful modality to diagnose PVT by UVC.
Keywords: Portal vein, US; Portal vein, thrombosis; Veins, umbilical
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