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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 2000;19(3): 197-201.
US Findings of Fibroadenomatoid Hyperplasia of the Breast.
Mi Gyung Yi, Mi Soo Hwang, Jae Kyo Lee, Bok Hwan Park
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the ultrasonographic appearance of fibroadenomatoid hyperplasia of the breast. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed US findings including size, shape, border, boundary echo, internal echo, posterior echo, lateral echo, and transverse/anteroposterior diameter of 19 patients(mean age 36.6 years) with pathologically proven fibroadenomatoid hyperplasia. Mammogramas were available in 18 patients. On US, size, shape, border, internal echo, boundary echo, posterior echo, lateral echo, the ratio of transverse to anteroposterior diameter were analyzed by two radiologist in agreement. RESULTS: Fifteen of 19 patients presented with palpable masses. On US, the mean size of the masses was 13mm(range, 4-26 mm). The shapes of lesions were round to oval in 10 cases(53%), lobulated in 6 cases(32%), irregular in 3 cases(15%). The borders of the lesions were sharp-well defined in 11 cases(58%), unsharp-ill de-fined in 8 cases(42%). Fourteen cases(74%) showed fine homogeneous internal echo and 5 cases(26%) showed coarse heterogeneous internal echo. Nonexistent or regular fine boundary echo was shown in 11 cases(58%) and irregular thick boundary echo was shown in 8 cases(42%). Posterior sonic enhancement was shown in 10 cas-es( 53%), posterior sonic shadowing in 6 cases(32%). And three cases(15%) showed no posterior echo. Marked lateral echo was demonstrated in 11 cases(58%). The transverse/anteroposterior diameter ratio ranged between 1.0 and 1.5 in 1 case(5.5%), below 1.0 in 1 case(5.5%), and above 1.5 in 17 cases(89%). Mammogram showed no abnormality in ten patients with dense breast, mass like density in seven patients, and clustered microcalci-fications in one patient. CONCLUSION: Fibroadenomatoid hyperplasia was usually presented in fourth decade as a palpable breast mass and common US findings were similar to fibroadenoma. However, histopathologic confirmation was needed for the diagnosis because fibroadenomatous hyperplasia sometimes showed the US features of malignancy.
Keywords: Breast, US; Breast, radiography; Breast, lobular hyperplasia
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