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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(4): 283-289.
Abnormalities of Diaphragm and Adjacent Structures: Usefulness of Ultrasonography.
Eugene Kim, Hak Hee Kim, Byung Gil Choi, Hye Suk Jang, Ki Tae Kim, Jee Hee Baek, Jae Young Byun
Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, hhkim@cmc.cuk.ac.kr
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
Abnormalities of diaphragm and adjacent structures are difficult to image with chest radiographs or conventional CT scans. The major limitation of CT is the inability to recognize the diaphragm as a separate structure if the diaphragm is adjacent to another structure with an analogous density such as the liver or spleen. On the other hand, ultrasonography can facilitate direct visualization of the diaphragm as strong echogenic structure through its capability of multidirectional images. This review illustrates the importance of ultrasonography in evaluating the abnormalities of diaphragm and adjacent structures.
Keywords: Diaphragm; Diaphragm rupture; Diaphragm abnormalities; Ultrasound (US)
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